Dec 25, 2014

Big Bad Wolf 2014

 I've went to 3 bbw this year which leads me to tons of books. Homaigaddd. The first one was at Melaka. Time tu, kak Nabila (cousin), she wanted to go to bbw. Unfortunely, takde transport. Oh, ya. Dia study dkt Manipal Medical College. So, I used that reason to pujuk mak pegi bbw dgn ayat:

Me: Mak, kesian kak Nabila nak bbw tapi takde transport.
Mak: Yeke? Dkt mana bbw tu?
Me: Dekat MITC Melaka. Dekat je dgn MMC tu. Jomlah ma kita pegi sana.
Mak: Esok ayah cuti. Bolehlah pegi. Ckp dkt Nabila esok kita pegi amik dia pegi bbw tu. Ayah balik keje karang mak ckp.

So, I rapidly sent kak Nabila a message. Hahahahaha. I ended up beli not so many books sbb time tu mcm tak tahu nak beli apa. Well, first timers always be like that.

The second one @ Pasaraya Rapid Seremban 2. Time tu abg balik, so I ajak mak ayah abang pegi sana dgn alasan "alaaaa, ni first time dia buat dekat negeri sembilan. kalau tak pegi time ni, ntah bilalah lagi dia nak buat dkt n9" and that excuse is a good one that makes mak kasi pegi. Time ni I met lots of my asrama friends. Semua mintak outing hari Ahad tu. I remember what day wokeyh sbb that morning kita org ada class or sth.  And we met again in the evening /muka bosan/ Ada Ainee, Azra, John, Munzir, Na'iem and sape ntah lagi. Ramai sgt! Oh, y'know what? Na'iem borrowed my phone utk call mak dia. Pastu dia pegilah cari his mom dkt mana ntah lepas returned my phone. A few minutes later, mak dia call balik. Time tu Na'iem kan dah blah so I was like "apa aku nak jwb nih?" and I bet she must be talking to herself  'perempuan mana pulaklah yg jwb phone ni' Hello! it's my phone okay so thats not my fault to answer that call. I angkat jelah and ckp "Saya pun tak tahulah Na'iem dkt mana. Hmmm, nanti saya suruh dia call makcik balik". Aku punyalah tanya Ainee weyh mana Na'iem. Dah jumpa dia lepas tu, dia nak call mak dia lgi sekali nak tanya dkt mana sbb tak jumpa. Baru nak ckp hello, mak dia dah ada dkt belakang aku. Huarghhh, rasa nak bunuh diri. Gile ngko! Malulah aku. I am a girl ok! Sebenarnya, time form 1 ada satu case that makes me scared to him. Okay, drop the case. Lain kali jelah cite yg tu.

Kali ketiga dkt MIECC baru-baru ni. Kali ni pegi dgn Ain and Aina (refer this post to know them). Dari Rembau ni, aku dgn Aina naik bas ke ktm Seremban. Ain dah tunggu dkt sana sbb dia stay dkt S'ban. Then, beli tiket berhenti station ktm Serdang. Dari ktm Seremban ke ktm Serdang baru RM10 pergi balik seorang. Sampai dekat station Serdang, lintas jln pakai jejambat ye. Dah sampai seberang jln tu, bolehlah pilih nak naik cruise ke nak jln kaki ke. Kalau jln kaki tu dlm 10 minit jgklah. Rasa kaya sikit, bolehlah thn teksi suruh berhenti dpn miecc. Hahaha. Kalau naik cruise pulak baru RM2. Lagi sng dan tak penat. Cruise tu terus berhenti dlm the mines. Then, pergi level 3 the mines, sebelah F.O.S ada mcm lorong pergi miecc. Lalulah situ, turun tangga. Jgn takut, dia mmg mcm sunyi sikit ada lot2 kedai kosong (sebenarnya aku tak tahu apa benda lot2 tu. assume jelah dia lot kedai). Dah sampai!

Aku terangkan panjang-panjang sbb aku sendiri pernah search dkt google cara nak pergi bbw dekat miecc. So, I write here based on experience. Hehehe.

Taraaaaa, we're finally here.

I love this picture w/out reason.
Kita org naik plg last semata-mata nak selfie. Ok, boo at us. Hahaha.

Aina, stop doing that face tho.
 All my batchmates mesti tak percaya bila Aina can make varieties of face expressions sbb dkt sekolah dia sgt senyap dan ayu dan baik dan sopan dan pemalu.

 Gambar 1: Aina tak sempat pandang camera
Gambar 2: "Eh, jap mana camera? Aku tak tahu nak pandang mana" and Aina gelak sebab lepas je ckp mcm tu, aku tertekan button capture tanpa sempat cari lens.
Another fav pic
Time ni Aina dah penat sgt sampai dia sanggup tukar tempat dgn Ain sbb dia dah taknak selfie. So, kita org jelah yg ada dlm gambar last2 ni. Hahaha.

Bonus pictures:
Cakkk. Hehehe.

Tiap-tiap kali pegi bbw mesti set mind taknak beli lagi dah sbb yg takut habis baca. but i hv this;

my kind of disease
Hehehe. Ini semua nafsu semata-mata sebenarnya. Syaitonnirrojim yg menghasutku.

Thank you for reading!

Dec 17, 2014

Ayat Reject Kejam

Wee, semalam twitter trending #1 #AyatRejectKejam and this morning I found this thing. Keep on reading guys!

"Boleh awak jadi imam saya?"
"Boleh, kalau awak jenazahnya."

"Kenapa awak tak pernah bagi peluang kat saya untuk jaga awak?"
"Mak ayah saya ada. Tak mati pun saya. Jangan risau."

"Bila saya boleh masuk ke hati awak?"
"Eh, awak gemuk. Mana muat. Pi cari lain" /terasa siot. hahaha/

"Saya suka awak"
"Saya tak tanya pun"

"Tulang rusuk saya bergetar bila tengok awak"
"Dulu tulang nenek saya bergetar jugak, esoknya dia terus mati"

''Pernah tak u mimpi i masa tidur"
"Tak pernah sebab i baca ayat kursi

That's all. Pesanan penaja; kalau nak reject pun janganlah guna ayat mintak kaki. Reject dgn lembut. K? idk how too. /facepalm/

One more, did u ever heard dis before;
Face-palm is the act of slapping yourself because of someone stupidity.

Nov 25, 2014

(aA+bB) A Daddy In A Hubby

(aA+bB) is a novel written by Hlovate. Sequel to novel [tunas]. Seriously, these two novels is highly recommended. You can purchase it here. This is one of the scenes in the novel. Keep reading!

Addin + Benz. Addin miscarriage her first child when it just 2 months /if I'm not mistaken/. Then few months after that, Addin get pregnant for the second child. That very moment Benz knew his wife, Addin was pregnant again,  he take care every single step of his wife, to make sure the same thing did not happen again.  This is one of their conversation. God, I'm fell for this.

Benz: How are you today? Penat?
Addin: /angguk/ Sikit je.
Benz: Jangan la berjalan sampai tak cukup tanah. Baik-baik sikit. Jalan untuk exercise badan tu okey la, tapi jangan la sampai mengah pulak. Jatuh nanti. (fyi, Addin is a doc)
Addin: Okey...
Benz: Dah minum susu?
Addin: /angguk/ Dah.
Benz: Berapa kali?
Addin: Tiga.
Benz: Dah mengaji hari ni?
Addin: Baru baca Maryam, al-Mulk dengan Luqman. Surah Yusuf Didi baca malam nanti.
Benz: Good. You memang first-class punya student la, Didi.
Addin: Didi nak jadi good mummy, remember?
Benz: Didi dah makan supplement?
Addin: Sudah.
Benz: Kismis, badam dengan kurma tu dah makan.
Addin: Iye.
Benz: Hari ni tak ada tension-tension, kan?
Addin: No.
Benz: Senang hati I dengar.
Addin: Y'know what, Benji?
Benz: Hmm?
Addin: You sound like an O&G doc, phychiatrist, dietrician, maternity nurse and uztaz rolled into one.
Benz: It's called a daddy in a hubby.

Me: /SCREAMS/ WHY YOU BOTH SO SWEET LIKE HONEY??? i want this kind of hubby too in future.

Nov 23, 2014

Classmates 2014

School 2014 has ended. But not officialy yet. Hehehehe. Officialnya 31 December 2014 of coz. Saja nak fefeeling rindu lebih sikit sebab rasanya tahun ni tahun paling warna-warni dlm kelas. Banyak muka-muka baru yg aku baru tahu dia org ni wujud dekat SMKA Pedas ni. Tahun ni baru jumpa and kenal mcm mana dia org.

First masuk kelas ni (4S) aku macam takleh nak terima classmates2 baru sbb before ni, time form 2 dgn form 3 aku dpt classmates yg sama. Kelas yang sama lagi. Tiba-tiba naik form 4 ada rombakan besar-besaran. Memang nak menangis aku bila dpt tahu kena pisah dgn Aina, Hanis, Huda, Afina. Farah je yg dpt satu kelas dgn aku. Nasib aku tak berapa baik bila Farah pindah ke SM Sains Mersing, Johor. Maka tinggallah aku sensorang budak outsider dlm 4S. Hilang kawan baik, tempat meluah perasaan sehari-hari, tempat bergosip, tempat simpan rahsia hidup, tempat cerita cite2 korea dan sbgnya.

Ceritanya, kita org berenam ni kawan baik sehidup-semati. Afina pindah KISAS, Farah pindah SM Sains Mersing. Hanis masuk kelas 4K sbb ambil account. Aina dgn Huda masuk kelas 4G. Aku menyendiri dekat 4S. Saje tau!

Tahun depan pun is a big challenge for me as tahun dpn lagi ramai classmate baru. Okaylah, pape pun. Dah selamat setahun aku ber-classmate dgn dia org. And to conclude, THEY ARE NICE.

My fav class so far! Rinduuuuuuu korang.
1. Akma - panggil Akhem. Tapi sepanjang tahun aku panggil dia Akma. Selalu memulakan ucapan dgn 'bismillahirahmanirrahim' walau hanya disampuk dgn satu soalan. Classmate dari form 2 sampai form 4 dan berjumpa lagi tahun dpn di 5S.

2. Zulazri - Zul. Bestfriend Akma dlm kelas. Tukang bahan dalam kelas selain Nabil. Selalu gaduh dengan Fatini dalam kelas. Sampaikan ckg Fizik aka guru kelas aka Cikgu Rasis kata "Aku nak tengok nanti dah besar korang hantar kad kahwin dekat aku. Bergaduh je kerja!"

3. Nazrin - antara lelaki yang pendiam dlm kelas. Tapi kalau kita org mengajar dkt depan dialah akan dgr paling tekun. Dalam diam-diam dia, dia akan betulkan kalau kita org terajar ajaran sesat. Hahahaha. Lupa nak cakap muka dia ada iras-iras D.O from EXO. Lagi-lagi part mata dia!

4. Nabil - Nabil Nashriq. Selalu takde dlm kelas sbb busy dgn segala jenis sukan. Tapi time kimia dia takkan berani tinggal kelas sbb Ckg Fawarni dah warning awal-awal sape tak masuk kelas dia dan tak score chemist, masaklah kau! Seram wehh. Satu je boleh puji dia ni. Dia akan bgn bila kita org ajar dekat depan kelas.

5. Haeqal - panggil tokek sebab dia mcm cicak tokek. Ntah. Itu apa yg aku diberitahu. Muka dia pulak ada iras Jaesuk Running Man. Apatah lagi dgn cermin mata dia tu! Hehehe. Penyeri kelas dgn habit suka pandang belakang kalau kita org pelajar puteri bercerita dgn muka peliknya. Sabau jelah! Aku bagi ranking top 3 terkelakar dlm kelas selain Nabil and Zul.

6. Syakir - budak top add math. Tak, bukan addmath je. Segala subject yg mengira, kau bagilah dia soalan. Mesti dpt jawab. Sebab tu, dia dpt selalu dpt Fizik, Addmath highest. Jealous I. Cikgu Zauyah suka mention dia punya tahi lalat. Dia budak putera paling top ranking dlm batch untuk budak science. Kesimpulan, dia maruah budak putera dlm ranking.

7. Nadrah - heh, akulah tu! Skip!

8. Radiah - expert in all religious subject. Subject bahasa Arab, pendidikan syariah Islam and pendidikan quran sunnah dapat A+ utk final exam hari tu. Sangat kreatif dan teliti buat kerja. Nak bukti? Cuba tgk kita org punya jadual kelas, duty rooster dgn organization chart. Tu semua hasil tgn dia. Cuma suaranya sgt susah nak dgr. Gelak tak pernah keluar suara. Ada habit suka gigit lidah kalau tersalah ckp.

9. Fatini - teman bercerita kpop dlm kelas. Hehehe. Kalau dia tak dtg, maka aku tercari-cari. Kalau aku pulak tak dtg, dia yg tercari-cari. Cerita kita org tak pernah habis. Tu pasal, kita org selalu kena 'shhhhhhhhh' dgn Haeqal. Teman gaduh Zul dgn Nabil. Malangnya, kalau dia org bertiga ni bergaduh, Zul dgn Nabil akan berpakat jatuhkan Tini. Pity you, Fatini. Dan lebih malang bila tahun dpn mereka bertiga jadi jadi classmate lagi dekat kelas 5G. Bertahanlah wahai sahabatku. Kihkihkih. Tapi sebab dia org selalu gaduhlah, kelas jadi best. Aku akan rindu kau Tini. Nanti takde lagi org yg suka tanya soalan mcm-mcm dlm kelas.

10. Haziqah - Eyka. Suka bersila. Budak putera suka bahan dia sebab dia suka bersila. Tidak mengira waktu dan tempat. Walaupun dalam lab kimia, bio dan fizik. Kekeke. Antara top student yang sgt sempoi dgn perangainya yg gila-gila tu.

11. Wan - Wan Siti Aishah aka WS. English scorer. /boleh?/ Speaking wehh. Maklumlah, mak dia ajar English. Suaranya perlahan lembut. Budak lelaki suka berkomplot pilih nama dia bila ckg suruh budak yang suara jelas dan kuat nak baca pape bahan PdP.

12. Sabrina - we called her Mama Sabby sbb her natural born motherly side. Bila ada pape yang kena handle, dia yg akan aturkan. Kalau hangout tu, dia yg akan ke kaunter dan orderkan. She loves to read english novel so muchassss. Lagi-lagi kalau cerita vampire.

13. Husnina - Nina. Very sopan santun. Pernah jadi classmate time form 1, 2 and 4. Dan pada ketiga-tiga tahun tersebut aku masih tak betul-betul kenal dia. The only one yg bergigi besi dlm kelas. She's cute!

14. Nurul - Nurul Aisyah Aminurrahman. Classmate since form 2 till next year. Ni budak pandai ni. Kalau sekali tgk dia mesti ingt dia anak sulung sbb sifat dia yg bertanggungjawab, berani jadi volunteer in everything and so on. Hakikatnya, dia anak bongsu dan yg lagi mengejutkan, dia satu-satunya perempuan dlm adik-beradik dia.

15. Asma - Asma Anis. Budak bola tampar. Kalau dia tak masuk kelas PSI, uztaz akan tanya, "Asma mana? Pergi bola tampar?" ataupun "Bola tampar mana bola tampar?"

16. Ain - Ain Roslan. Bestfriend baru utk tahun ni. Muka dia dgn Hanis lebih kurang sama. PKT kelas bertauliah dan berwibawa. Mangsa keadaan bila ketua kelas, Syakir malas bawak buku utk ckg tandatangan setiap kali kelas. Oleh itu, pagi-pagi dia akan dtg awal dan isikan buku tu.

17. Hanis - kakyong. Muka sama dgn Ain dan uztaz PSI panggil dia org kembar. Sudahlah tu, ke mana-mana pun bersama. Pembekal utama puncher dan bullet stapler aku sepanjang tahun. Berbaju biru (budak PSS).

18. Intan - intan payung berlian permata. Ni pun budak top add math. Classmate dari form 1 - form 5 tahun dpn. Yeayyyyy! Suka bila dia ajar addmath dkt dpn jadi guru muda.

19. Shahira - Chery aka Shahira Jaafar aka Sherry. Peminat semua artist under YG Entertainment esp GD. File pun gambar Coup d'etat.

20. Sumayyah - pendgr setia. Kalau nak cerita rahsia dkt dia best sbb dia akan lupa dlm masa 1 hari. Kahkahkahkah. Dia akan terima seadanya keadaan yg diberi dan cuba survive. Walaupun kena duduk belakang sedangkan dia rabun dan kecik dan tak nampak papan putih.

21. Jameah - aka 'den'. Anak jati Negeri Sembilan. Terkenal dgn perkataan 'den' yg membawa maksud saya dlm loghat n9. Terkantoi dgn Nabil pada hari pemulangan buku teks pasal setiap buku teks akan ditulis 'den' pada tepi buku.

22. Hidayu - aka Ayu. Pendiam sejak dahulu kala sbb masalah keluarga yg tdk diketahui. Orang paling awal dtg kelas tiap-tiap hari. Tapi dia okay je dgn aku.

Tu je classmate for this year. Tahun dpn, tak tahulah mcm mana nak lalui sbb byk classmate baru yg aku tak pernah jadi classmate. Salam perkenalan buat classmates baru di 5 Ibnu Sina 2015. /wink wink/

Nov 9, 2014

Woohyun Funny Moment: Great Concern

Skip to minute 19.56 to watch the funny part of Woohyun.

Woohyun: I really feel bad for her (regarding the problem). She's pregnant with the second child.
MC: Right.
Woohyun: Babies keep kicking if they get stressed
MC: Have you experienced pregnancy?
Another MC : He remembers as a baby. Kicking from the womb. /lol. I can't stop laughing/
WooHyun: I remember.

English Debate Camp 2014

Assalamualaikum wbt...

I just come back from the English Debate Camp 2014, organized by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia which is fondly known as USIM. All in all, I can conclude that program is "memorable".

The first thing was a brief introduction from the emcee, Sister Aimi. Then, all the facilitators introduce themselves. These are some of them; Sister Aimi, Sister Naddy, Sister Athirah, Sister Syafi, Brother Faizal, Brother Faruq (The most handsome of all the men facis. Okay, cut that off. It's out of the topic), Sister Ain (my faci), Sister Ain (Yes, you're reading it right and it's not typo. Her name is Ain too. They share the same name, the same secondary school and even the same university! Luckily they are in different courses. My faci is in mechanical engineering and the other Sister Ain is in Applied Physics which she recommended me too join her in that course strongly. And I was like blerhhhh. Physics is a taboo for me. I only manage to get C+ throughout the year.), Sister Firdaus from Nigeria, and the rest who I can't remember. Sorry not to state all of the facis. Pardon me since I have short term memory. Kekekeke. Okay kidding. After that, we sang The Climb - Miley Cyrus as the theme song of the camp.

The next activity was ice breaking. Finally yeayyyyyyyy. My favourite time. We are divided into 9 groups. My teammates was Aina, Solehin, Lutfil, Fazliana a.k.a. Nana and  a form 1 student (I don't remember his name). We were given a white manilla card and a marker. The task is to make a logo of our team, name the team and choose a leader. So the leader was Lutfil. Our team's name is Mockingjay. Arghhhh, it's too long to elaborate every single thing happened in this camp.

To make this entry shorter; the night session, we have a debate championship. My team was in the third place. Miss by only 3 points from the second group to compete for the next round. What a waste. Actually we have 3 rounds including final round but at the end it's already late and Brother Faruq decided to skip the second round. I just want to share that we won the first round but we cannot proceed to the next round just because we were lack of time. So they just choose the top two from the first round.

Arghhh, how I miss everyone in that camp. Love them soo muchasssss. Ermmm, what else to be shared? Thats all I think. Okay, gtg. Byeee.

Sep 5, 2014

Too Precious To Have One

Assalamualaikum Aiman.

I broke up with my first love after a year. After that, I never had a boyfriend. Sometimes I ask myself, "Am I too ugly to have a boyfriend?" Almost all of my friends have boyfriends and when we go out, they always tell me about their boyfriends. I feel jealous.

Why does Allah do this to me?



Thank you for your honest question.

The desire to love and to be loved is natural. I have it, you have it, and others have it too. However, in Islam, we are taught how to love and to be loved in a way that God intends it. In Islam, we are also taught that we all have the power to make our own choices.

Hence, in this case, we can choose whether to love and to be loved the way God intends it or not. In the end, we will all live and die with the consequences of our choices, for better or for worse.

I can imagine that you are feeling unappreciated knowing that you are boyfriend-less while most of your friends are with boyfriends. I am not trying to ridicule or undermine your feelings about this subject. I acknowledge the pain. What I suggest to you is to reconsider the situation from a different perspective.

Don't be sad that you don't have a boyfriend. Instead, be grateful.

The Quran said clearly, "And do not approach zina (premarital sex). Indeed, it is an ever immorality and is evil as a way." (Surah al-Isra: 32)

Zina is a destination and there are paths that lead to that destination. Not only does Islam teaches us not to commit zina, it also teaches us not to go near it. We shouldn't even be on the paths to zina, let alone arrive at the destination. In English they have a saying, "Prevention is better than cure." In this particular case, the saying fits perfectly. We are preventing ourselves from zina by avoiding the paths that lead to it.

When you are on the path, you will eventually arrive at the destination. It might take a short time or it might take a long time, but surely you will arrive at the destination if you keep walking on that path.

One of the paths that lead to zina is this boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

If you look at it that way, you should be grateful that Allah saved you from being on that path. Instead of feeling jealous about your friends, you should feel a sense of compassion for them and you should wish that they get off that path as well. They should be more like you, not the other way around.

This isn't to say that the people who have boyfriends or girlfriends are bad people. We don't condemn a person because of one sin. The person might be doing a sin in public, but we have no idea about all the good deeds that he or she commits in private. So we leave the judging part to Allah. But for this one particular sin, we offer our help if the person wants it and we ask Allah to open his or her heart to change for the better.

I hope that helps. Forgive me if I have said something I shouldn't have.

Allah knows best.

May Allah grant you a righteous, lawfully-wedded spouse and may you both enter Jannah together. Ameen.

p/s: You are not too ugly to have a boyfriend. You are too precious to have one.


Nice words, bro Aiman Azlan. Reading this post on your FB made me realised that actually Allah protects me from zina path. Alhamdulillah.

Aug 10, 2014


Teenager - the age that I can't describe verbally
It's fun but also stressing

How I wish I could sail on a boat
that never stops
So I can be alone and leave
all the concern behind
Just like blowing thick dust
on an old book

Responsibility is too much
Too much to be taken care of
As a child - who wants his parents proud
As a learner - who wants to do the best
As a leader - who needs to guide the team

Teenager - has hidden meaning
That needs you to treasure
Until the deepest
and you'll find the sweetest of teen
It just takes time
and patience and skills

I ran downhill, then
scamper along a path
to some trees near a footbridge
Starts picking up pebbles
and throwing it into the river
Imagining each pebble is my concern

I want to be free from all these
Disappear into the fog and clouds
shrouding in the Pacific Coast
No! - don't be in despair
Live on and try harder
treasure the 'teen' until
you find the sweetest of it.

Aug 1, 2014

Allah Maha Adil

Hari ntah angin ape ntah datang tetiba jadi rajin mengemas handbag. Ceritanya, jumpa balik aku terjumpa my not-too-old-mini-diary sebab kononnya kena letak dalam handbag biar jadi peneman ke mana jua aku berada. Huaaaa, malu nak cita sebenarnya tapi ada pengajaran. So nak cite jugak.

Aku belek-belek diary tu. My first time ever writing diary consistently for 2 months. Selalunya seminggu je paling lama. hahahaha. Written on 02 January 2014:

Pengetua, dtg cpt sikit boleh tak?
Mak, adik mengantuklah. Nak tidur!!!
Yeah, dh keluar bilik Media. Ni list 4 Sina teachers:

BI - T Rahmawati
PSI - Uztaz Aimi
SEJ - Pn Hanizah

Hari ni 'F' tanya 'A', dpt hadiah apa PMR. Yelah, 'F' dpt RM2k. RM1000 dia dah guna utk beli Note III. Jealous weyh. Lagi2 bila dia mention utk kali kedua. Rasa mcm dia saja boost psl tu. Aku tahu tu sebenarnya bkn niat dia. Nk balikkkk. Takde org nak bawak aku balik rumah ke?! Mungkin kali ni, Allah nk bagi aku something yg lagi besar kot. Contohnya, hari tu, 'F' and 'X' jadi QM peringkat kebangsaan. Aku punyalah nangis gila2 sbb tak dpt jadi QM kebangsaan. Rupa-rupanya, Allah nak bgi aku masuk kebangsaan jugak. Bezanya, aku  bukan jadi QM, aku jadi peserta peringkat kebangsaan tau! Allah tu Maha Adil. So mungkin kali ni, 'F' dpt Note III, aku akan dpt lagi best. Aminn...

Tu coretannya. Ingatlah setiap apa yg Allah beri dan tentukan tu mesti ada hikmahnya. Sebagai hamba, kita kena redha dan bersabar sebab di penghujungnya, pasti ada ganjaran yang menanti. Tapi hati mesti kuat, yakin dan sabar. Kalau asyik mengeluh je, macam mana nak dpt. Silap-silap, hati makin merana dan tak tenteram.

Oh ya, lagi satu aku pun tengah try apply perasaan yakin Allah akan bagi yang better bila aku langsung tak dpt tawaran SBP or MRSM time form 4 ni. Mungkin dia org dpt SBP, MRSM etc tapi bila nak masuk universiti nnt ada sth else ke. Mungkin aku dpt overseas top ranking uni dia org tak dpt ke. Bukan nak doakan, tapi hanya menyedapkan hati. Sorry ek korang yg dpt sekolah lain.

Saya Nurul Nadrah Raihah bt Alias memohon ampun dari hujung rambut hingga ke hujung kaki. Kekekeke. jemputlah datang rumah. Saya ada catering Che Mah. Hahaha. Mood raya lagi kannn?

Thanks for reading and assalamualaikum!

Jul 30, 2014

Raya Raya Rayaaaaaa

Selamat Hari Raya!

This year, no jokes. The best raya ever. Semua balik Rembau tahun ni. Mak, ayah, 5 siblings, 3 in-laws, 6 and half (dalam perut) grandchildren. Dapat bayangkan tak betapa riuhnya rumah kita org. Dahlah, type panjang-panjang pun bukannya korang nak baca sgt. Yes, I know it coz I'm a reader too.

Irdina Soffiya. Eldest niece.

My almost-close-eyes with Kak Ila di pagi raya. Pfft.

Kak Ija, abg Wan, Irdina, Miqaeal and Maryam
Kak Ila, along, Damia and Haziq-kun. Kihkihkih.
Kak Ina, abg Amir and Aulia. They got no family potrait sbb semua jenis tak suka ambik gambar.
Kanak-kanak riang
When Mia gets bored. Warning: gangsterism of a kids

 That's all. Makayah takdak gambar raya jugak. As usual, dorang mmg susah part gambar-gambar ni. Oh ya, kepada rumah-rumah yang budak selalu datang-raya-tapi-tak-nak-makan-sebab-sebenarnya-nak-duit raya-je , bolehlah try this idea. Got it from Penmerah.
Creative somehow
 Last but not least,

Makan ketupat tu jgn sampai pengsan pulak. Okaylahh. Byee, happy Eid and happy gaining weight in raya! Hahahaha. Assalamualaikum.

Jul 8, 2014

Vocabulary: 8 July

  • Euphoria (n.) - an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement that usually lasts only a short time
 Example: He was filled with euphoria when he heard the news of the birth of his son.

  • Icicle (n.) - a pointed piece of ice that is formed when water freezes as it falls down from something such as a roof

Example:  Johnny broke the icicle off the railing to show his mom.
  • Chalk and cheese (idiom) - if two people or things are like chalk and cheese or as different as chalk and cheese, they are completely different from each other
Example: I don't have anything in common with my brother. We're like chalk and cheese.
  • Brusque (adj.) - using very few words and sounding rude
Example: The salesgirl’s brusque manner made me change my mind about shopping in the store.
  • Hapless (adj.) - [only before noun] (formal) not lucky; unfortunate
Example:  The hapless gambler lost his last dollar.

Zalora: Te Chi-Chi

Baca post's title mesti peliks kan? Hahaha. To be truth, tu jenama kasut. Website: Kasut dia amat-sangat-ter-paling comel. Maka terpaksalah aku beli. Okay, tipu. Tak baik tau kau ni. Bulan-bulan pose gini tipu. Nadrah, Nadrah... Sebenarnya, aku dapat voucher duit raya RM50 dari ZALORA. Zalora tak tahu?! Melampau betul. Alahhh, yang iklan jerit over gila tu. Kalau tak pernah tgk ads dia, sila google sendiri.

Terasa cute bila pakai kasut nih. Hahaha.

Kalau rasa nak cari pasal dgn aku hati-hati sikit eh. Silap-silap kau masuk hosp sbb makan kasut size 41.

Yang bestnya voucher kali ni, takde limit beli. Faham tak? Maksudnya dia tak tetapkan berapa yang at least kita kena purchase. Kan selalunya kalau dpt voucher online mesti dia kata "with any purchase above RM100". Tu contoh je. Tapi kali ni takde. Kalau kau nak beli barang harga RM5 pun tak kisah, masih boleh guna voucher ni.

Dia siap bagi poslaju punya borang ni lagi, in case nak pulangkan barang atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Contohnya, rasa benda yang kita beli tu tak sama dgn apa yg kita tgk dkt website. Maka, bolehlah korang tukar barang tu. Dgn syarat, barang tersebut masih belum dipakai. 30-days free return kau! Huntunglah kita cenggini. Nak return goods, isi je borang ni and pergi pejabat pos mintak je plastik prepaid poslaju. Nanti dia bgi.

Keyboard off, bye. Assalamualaikum :)

Jun 15, 2014

3 Weeks Is Too Short

Huaaaaaaa. Mak, nak sambung cuti. Holidays is just addictive *nyanyi lagu Overdose - EXO*. Homework? Don't you even dare to ask me. Or else, *highkick*. What to do? Manusia tak pernah puas. Hahahaha. Ayat tak boleh blah.

Aku dah terbayang-bayang esok kena kembali kepada asal semuanya. Rasa macam bangun dari tidur dan fikir "Oh, selama ni aku mimpi je cuti sekolah" Terasa kejap sangat. Why time flies so fast? WHY? WHY? WHY? Akhir kalam, WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL.


Jangan pulak ada yang sesaje tak nak pergi sekolah esok sebab World Cup. What make me laugh hard was, ada sorang budak ni post dekat FB "Esok pagi ada bola. Argentina lawan *apa benda ntah*. Harap pengetua buat pengumuman siapa menang" And I was like "Bengonggggg punya budak"

Bye and assalamualaikum *sambil buat homework*

Jun 1, 2014

✈ Travel: Bukittingi, Indonesia Part I

Seminggu before depart, pergilah tukar duit dulu. Nak awal lagi pun boleh. Kalau rajin korang checklah hari-hari money exchange rate. Aku tak kuasa.Tukar dkt Jusco Seremban 2. Ada dkt level 1. Dkt dengan bowling and ATM.

1 juta rupiah = RM287

Kira murahlah tu. Ada yg kena RM3++ utk 1 juta rupiah. Yang dapat paling murah ada kwn aku ni RM281. I bet, mesti dia check rate tiap-tiap hari. Hahahaha.

A day before departure. (28 May)

Disebabkan flight pukul 7.10 pagi dan sekolah nak bertolak pukul 4 pagi dari Negeri Sembilan ke KLIA2. Maka, kami semua kena bermalam di asrama. Asalnya, cikgu suruh balik asrama before pukul 5 petang sebab ckg nak buat taklimat sikit. Katanya! Aku dtg pukul 5 lebih sikit *lewat sbb pergi gam kasut*, haremmm takde taklimat.

Memasing kecoh siapkan diri. Pergi solat Asar. Balik asrama *baring-baring dekat bilik TV*. Sembang-sembang. Solat Maghrib, makan and solat Isyak. Between Maghrib and Isyak tu, uztazah Faridah pergi asrama cakap rupe-rupenye, taklimat malam pukul 11 after Isyak.

Time taklimat kecoh gilosss. Haruslah budak perempuan yang banyak tanya. Pasal bajulah, pasal luggagelah, pasal macam-macam. Budak lelaki relax je balik asrama lepas ckg habis taklimat. Kami? Haruslah kecoh. Nama pun perempuan.

Balik asrama, ingatkan boleh tidur. Tapi tidak. Kena buat preparation untuk persembahan esok dekat Perguruan Diniyyah Puteri (just in case kena buat). Memang last minute benda tu. Sebab time taklimat baru diberitahu. Latihan habis dalam pukul 1.45 pagi. Balik bilik TV, nak tidur pun tak boleh. Bila lewat sgt tidur rasa tak ngantuk.

Citenye, kami semua tak tidur malam tu. Kalau yg tidur pun kejap je. Gambar takde pulak.

Sambungan:  ✈ Travel: Bukittingi, Indonesia Part I

May 23, 2014

Fangirls Heart

This is really a great tip on how to tackle a fangirls heart.

Forgot to mention. This is specifically for a EXOtic. Hahahahaha.
I think the girl above maybe said one of these to her boy. 
  • Eureureong eureureong eureureong YES!
  • Yehet! Ohorat!
 Last words from me; thumbs up to the guy for understanding a fangirl's heart!

May 21, 2014

Exam is Over

Lets chill baby. Kekekekeke. Mentang-mentang exam dah lepas. I feel like yeahhh

Tak sedar pun minggu depan rupanye kita org pergi Bukittinggi, Indonesia.
Benda paling malas haruslah packing. Wakaka. Walaupun tiga hari je terasa bagai seminggu uolls.

Eh, jap apa aku melalut ni? Padahal nak cakap exam dah habis je haha.

Bye and assalamualaikum :)

May 16, 2014

Teacher's Day!


Tadika Perpaduan Hutan Melintang,
Tadika Kemas Parit,
SK Iskandar Shah,
SK Chembong,
SMK Dato' Sedia Raja
SMKA Dato' Haji Abu Hassan Haji Sail.

Tadika Perpaduan Hutan Melintang, Perak:

(2002) First formal learning at 4 years old made me cry. But there's teacher who calmed me. I just remember the moment when we play plasticine and the slide. Sorry cause I don't remember others. Kahkahkah. What a short-term-mind I have! Mini convocation picture:

Tadika Kemas Parit, Perak:

(2003 - 2004) I moved to the other city in Perak on 2003. So I hv to move to other kindergarten too. The class start from 8 am until *idontremember*.  I learned abc and 123 here. I play joyfully with my friends *Fatin and Mimi the most*. Teman sehati sejiwa I should say! Can you just imagine if they haven't taught me those 3M [membaca (reading), mengira (calculating), menulis (writing)]? Can I write this post? Understanding what other people are saying? Reading my favourite novels? Doing even simple mathematics problem like 1+1=2?

 SK Iskandar Shah, Perak:

(2005 - 2007) Hoho. Aku paling ingat teacher Nurul and teacher Ratnasuri. Yang lain, teacher Asiah, cikgu Jamilah (mak Syahirah), uztazah Sakinah (mak Durra), cikgu Wardah (mak Aliyah) and sir Wooi. Gila tak ingat! Sir punya band pancaragam sangat awesome. Oh ya, aku rapat dengan Syahirah, Aliyah dengan Durra. Tu sebab ingat lagi nama mak dia orang. Walaupun ada yang tak ajar.

SK Chembong, Negeri Sembilan

(2007 - 2010) Guru kelas dari darjah 3 sampai darjah 6 - cikgu Walial'ashikin. Lelaki tau! Bukan perempuan. First time masuk sekolah, before jumpa dia, aku ingatkan perempuan. Kihkihkih. Ampun maaf cikgu Wali :D Next, cikgu mathematics yang akan aku ingat sampai mati, cikgu Nizuanuddin. Dia punya math sangat best weyyy. 

6 Arif with Cikgu Wali.
Jangan cari aku dalam gambar tu sebab aku tersorok. Hahaha. Time tu pendek lagi. Nampak pipi je. lol. Tak lupa jugak Teacher Sharliah and teacher Siti Normah yang sangat garang tapi baik. Mula-mula belajar aku pun cakap dia orang garang. Tapi bila puan Siti Normah pindah, akulah yang paling banyak menangis. Teacher Sharliah (teacher English) pun sama, time darjah 4 aku dapat BM kertas II (penulisan) gred D. Aku dpat 4A1B time tengah tahun *kalautaksilap. Tu pasal dia tanya. Dia nasihat aku semua benda siap gosok-gosok belakang aku nak tenangkan. I'm touched and nangis lagi. Penangis tegar katakan. Hahahaha.

SMK Dato' Sedia Raja, Negeri Sembilan:

(2011) Ermmm, dekat sini kejap je tak sampai sebulan. Tunggu tawaranlah katakan. 26 January tu aku pindah. Dekat sini,  paling aku ingat Teacher Robita sebab dia selalu sebut nama aku NURUL NADARAH RAIHAN BT ALIAS. Sabau jelah. Walhal, nama aku NURUL NADRAH RAIHAH BT ALIAS. Tapi apa yang dia ajar aku ingat lagi. First class English belajar pasal nuclear family and extended family. Poyo tak? lol.

SMKA Dato' Haji Abu Hassan Haji Sail (formerly known as SMKA Pedas):

(2011 - 2015) insya-Allah. I am not moving out to the other school. All the teachers are seriously awesome. Thank you for those teacher who teach me. I can get straight A in PMR with the help of all of you and Allah's will. Fighting for SPM 2015 pulak next year.

Classmate 4 Ibnu Sina. Ni gambar before ada yang pindah.

Classmates 2 Ibnu Sina

Jasa cikgu kitaorg dpat masuk surat khabar. Wakakaka.

Gambar penuh. Chetttt. Dalam paper Sinar dia crop gambar aku.
 Selamat Hari Guru. Happy Teacher's Day. 
 یوم المعلم مبروک, 스승의 날 축하해요!

Byeeee and assalamualaikum!


Me: Mama mama mama mama, kita amik Frozen dekat Astro Best jom? Adik nak tengok.
Plissss ma. *mukacomelmintakpenyepak*

Mak: HAH?! Beli peti ais? (she heard it as 'freezer not 'frozen')


Damia and Haziq: *woke up and cry cause we laughed too hard*

May 4, 2014

Mid Year Exam

Currently busy with exam. 3 weeks of exam are sucks! I should say this. Kekekekekeke. Dahlah satu subject berpaper-paper. Nvr mind. Cut it off. Kali ni nak result cantik. Nak kalahkan student 4F. Go go, Nadrah.

  • No C grade and below.
  • Top 10 in batch
  • Top 3 in class
  • At least 7 A's

Apr 20, 2014

PBAKL '14 is Coming

Short entry. I just want to share jadual bertemu penulis cause I'm excited. Yes, very very very excited. Even when I'm talking about it!

Jadual penulis Blink Book.

Jadual penulis Karyaseni dan Penulisan2u

Jadual penulis Jemari Seni
Jadual penulis Alaf21
Jadual penulis Fajar Pakeer

Jadual penulis Idea Kreatif

Jadual penulis Kaki Novel

Jadual penulis Love Novel

Oh, ya! Lupa nak cakap. Aku pergi 26hb April. Kot-kot ada yang nak jumpakan? *muntah* Erm, sebenarnya nak pergi 3 Mei. Tapi spoil, aku ada exam 2 May sampai minggu dpnnya. Kirim salam jelah kalau gitu. Terpaksa pergi awal.

Okay, byeeee and assalamualaikum!

Apr 19, 2014

DIY: Bulletin Board

Okay, entry kali ni pasal bulletin board. *ayat skema

Bulletin board mesti buat ikut cita rasa kita sendiri. Karang, kalau tak berkenan di hati, mahunya bulletin board sepi tanpa notes sbb malas tulis. Mine was very simple. Baru buat so notes tak penuh lagi. I love to see board full of notes sbb nampak macam kita ni orang yang systematic and have vision dalam buat kerja. Kepala pun tak serabut sebab kita nampak apa yang kena buat, dateline of assignment, and etc *end of thinking capacity*

They usually use soft board to make a bulletin board. Tapi disebabkan aku tak jumpa soft board dekat Rembau ni, terpaksa cari alternatif lain. And I decided to use polystyrene sheet.

Let's proceed to the major item.
  • Rainbow pine wood stick - RM 5.90
    Ni lah dia pine wood stick tu. Bentuk dia mcm batang ice cream.
  • Polystyrene sheet - RM 3.60
  • Polka dot sponge board- RM9.90
Benda lain nak guna nanti gam UHU, double sided tape. Total: RM 19.40 tak termasuk misc.

  1. Potong polystyrene sheet ikut bentuk yang korang nak. Aku punya 4 segi je.
  2. Lekatkan polystyrene sheet dengan sponge board menggunakan double sided tape. Nak lagi kukuh, boleh pakai hot glue gun atau apa-apa saja. Janji lekat.
  3. Ambil pine wood stick dan lekatkan dekat atas sponge board ikut kreativiti. Siap!
Senang kan? Trylah buat. Result:

Have fun DIY-ing and happy weekend! Bye and assalamualaikum.

Apr 18, 2014

Ideal Type

Teacher Husna (she is replacing teacher Afiza) teaches me English. On last Wednesday, *if I'm not mistaken* we learned about poem 'He Had Such Quiet Eyes'. It is about a girl who was deceived by a pleasure-seeking-guy. She did not listen to her mother's advice. And lastly, her heart was broken when the guy left her. The poet told us to ensure that nice really means nice and not to compromised with a pleasure-seeking-guy.

The activity for that poem was to list down your ideal type. Hiks. I love the topic, sincerely! Though I have to hide that happiness while doing the activity =..='

And jeng jeng jeng. This is mine:

  • Taller than me. It's a MUST.
  • Same or older age but not older than my abang. Abang was born in 1991.
  • Humorous. So that he can cheer me up when I'm sad and light up my days.
  • Good-looking. I'm not asking for too much handsome man. It's enough that he looks good in my eyes.
  • Darker skin than me but no too dark. I want the fair skin daughters and sons.
  • Good in studying. I always dream of having bright, smart and brilliant children. So my future child need the smart genetic from their father.
  • Rolled-up sleeves guy. Cause they look hardworking and smart. Awwww! They even looks more handsome when they're sweating.
  • Caring. Someone that can hug me when I cry, when I scared of thunder and lightning and can understand when I'm having problems.
  • Not a doctor, please. They have no life. I mean, most of their time are used to treat patients and works.
  • His wages must be higher than me. Of course!
  • Love kids and have fatherly side.
  • And the most important one is SOMEONE WHO CAN GUIDE ME TOWARDS JANNAH TOGETHER. I have to say that I'm not a good muslimah and I need someone to lead me.
After all of us listing down, teacher choose us randomly to present our own ideal type. And I just hope teacher were not choosing me. Alhamdulillah, she is not. Thats all.

Thanks for spending your time reading this full-of-hope-entry. Bye and assalamualaikum!

Passport Making II

Sambungan this entry:  Passport making part I

Passport dah siap. Yeahhhhhhh! Malangnya, gambar I buruk sikit okay?! Never mind. Who cares gambar aku buruk ke lawa? Yang penting dah prepare awal-awal before May. Fuh fuh, lega. Sebab May ni dah mid-year exam. So, baik buat awal-awal kan?

Ceritanya, aku sebelum sampai imigresen lagi memang dah maintainkan tudung. Bila nak ambil gambar, org tu kata, "Dik, belakangkan sikit tudung. Kening tak nampak penuh." Aku dengan confidentnya tarik tudung ke belakang sampai nampak scarf. Natijahnya, hambiklah kau! Gambar budak-mata-sepet-tudung-nampak-scarf. 

Tips sebelum ambil gambar passport:

  •  Pakai baju + tudung color gelap. Sebab background tempat tangkap gambar tu color putih. Takut nanti tak dapat beza mana korang mana dinding. Kahkahkah :D
  • Untuk yang freehair dan lelaki, telinga kena kasi nampak time ambil gambar.
  • Tak boleh pakai cermin mata and contact lens.
  • Pastikan apa-apa fashion rambut dan tudung korang tak tutup kening. Penting tau!

Ready to fly! Bye and assalamualaikum.