Apr 18, 2014

Ideal Type

Teacher Husna (she is replacing teacher Afiza) teaches me English. On last Wednesday, *if I'm not mistaken* we learned about poem 'He Had Such Quiet Eyes'. It is about a girl who was deceived by a pleasure-seeking-guy. She did not listen to her mother's advice. And lastly, her heart was broken when the guy left her. The poet told us to ensure that nice really means nice and not to compromised with a pleasure-seeking-guy.

The activity for that poem was to list down your ideal type. Hiks. I love the topic, sincerely! Though I have to hide that happiness while doing the activity =..='

And jeng jeng jeng. This is mine:

  • Taller than me. It's a MUST.
  • Same or older age but not older than my abang. Abang was born in 1991.
  • Humorous. So that he can cheer me up when I'm sad and light up my days.
  • Good-looking. I'm not asking for too much handsome man. It's enough that he looks good in my eyes.
  • Darker skin than me but no too dark. I want the fair skin daughters and sons.
  • Good in studying. I always dream of having bright, smart and brilliant children. So my future child need the smart genetic from their father.
  • Rolled-up sleeves guy. Cause they look hardworking and smart. Awwww! They even looks more handsome when they're sweating.
  • Caring. Someone that can hug me when I cry, when I scared of thunder and lightning and can understand when I'm having problems.
  • Not a doctor, please. They have no life. I mean, most of their time are used to treat patients and works.
  • His wages must be higher than me. Of course!
  • Love kids and have fatherly side.
  • And the most important one is SOMEONE WHO CAN GUIDE ME TOWARDS JANNAH TOGETHER. I have to say that I'm not a good muslimah and I need someone to lead me.
After all of us listing down, teacher choose us randomly to present our own ideal type. And I just hope teacher were not choosing me. Alhamdulillah, she is not. Thats all.

Thanks for spending your time reading this full-of-hope-entry. Bye and assalamualaikum!

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