Nov 9, 2014

English Debate Camp 2014

Assalamualaikum wbt...

I just come back from the English Debate Camp 2014, organized by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia which is fondly known as USIM. All in all, I can conclude that program is "memorable".

The first thing was a brief introduction from the emcee, Sister Aimi. Then, all the facilitators introduce themselves. These are some of them; Sister Aimi, Sister Naddy, Sister Athirah, Sister Syafi, Brother Faizal, Brother Faruq (The most handsome of all the men facis. Okay, cut that off. It's out of the topic), Sister Ain (my faci), Sister Ain (Yes, you're reading it right and it's not typo. Her name is Ain too. They share the same name, the same secondary school and even the same university! Luckily they are in different courses. My faci is in mechanical engineering and the other Sister Ain is in Applied Physics which she recommended me too join her in that course strongly. And I was like blerhhhh. Physics is a taboo for me. I only manage to get C+ throughout the year.), Sister Firdaus from Nigeria, and the rest who I can't remember. Sorry not to state all of the facis. Pardon me since I have short term memory. Kekekeke. Okay kidding. After that, we sang The Climb - Miley Cyrus as the theme song of the camp.

The next activity was ice breaking. Finally yeayyyyyyyy. My favourite time. We are divided into 9 groups. My teammates was Aina, Solehin, Lutfil, Fazliana a.k.a. Nana and  a form 1 student (I don't remember his name). We were given a white manilla card and a marker. The task is to make a logo of our team, name the team and choose a leader. So the leader was Lutfil. Our team's name is Mockingjay. Arghhhh, it's too long to elaborate every single thing happened in this camp.

To make this entry shorter; the night session, we have a debate championship. My team was in the third place. Miss by only 3 points from the second group to compete for the next round. What a waste. Actually we have 3 rounds including final round but at the end it's already late and Brother Faruq decided to skip the second round. I just want to share that we won the first round but we cannot proceed to the next round just because we were lack of time. So they just choose the top two from the first round.

Arghhh, how I miss everyone in that camp. Love them soo muchasssss. Ermmm, what else to be shared? Thats all I think. Okay, gtg. Byeee.

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