Dec 10, 2015



I was thinking for the next entry while cleaning the all the draft on blog. Suddenly I saw this entry without title and with cliffhanger. So I think that this is the best thing to post today. (you know that actually i'm bored)

So it started when we were on the way to somewhere a long time ago (poor memory of mine, sorry). Ayah then told me about arwah atok's so called advice for life (al-fatihah). I don't even have the chance to meet him. And I think that it's quite interesting how he made it relatable to our life. So, here are the 3 advices:

1. Kalau kita pelanduk jangan ber*k mcm gajah.
Meaning: You should know yourself, you limit and your ability. More or less like 'ukur baju di badan sendiri'. Don't be overconfident with yourself or have a gasconade. 

2. Kalau kita pucuk, jangan gelakkan pelepah yang jatuh, sebab pucuk juga akan jadi pelepah suatu hari nanti.
Meaning: When someone sad, fail or encounter problem, don't laugh, make fun of it because one day all of us will face the same thing. Remember, life is like a wheel. There are times when you're up and sometimes you're down. 


3. Don't remember. Hehehe

Wassalam. More updates soon!

Dec 8, 2015

SPM Experience

Day 1: 2 Nov 2015

Paper BM kertas satu dgn kertas 2 Cerpen Penanggungan. masnah yang laki dia mati time kerja jadi anak kapal. Then a question asked, 'Mengapakah Masnah menangis?'. Oh siot gilaaa. Then ada merah Silu. seriously I don't even read Merah Silu bcs SPM ulangan bulan 6 hari tu baru keluar and based on analysis kalau dah keluar time june then nov wouldn't come out. Shittos.

paper 1 quite okaylah. tapi aku tak puas menulis. i just managed to write 3 pages for essay. plus dahlah time tu takde idea nak hurai isi bahagian A; menggalakkan budaya penyayang and mengeratkan hubungan dengan guru

Day 2: 3 Nov 2015

paper english suddenly keluarlah pulak pasal Mila and Yun,  Beluga whale which save her life.

PQS best sebab puas gila bagi jawapan. But sadly, sepanjang tahun ni tak dpt A. Pape pun still hoping for the best.

Day 3: 4 Nov 2015

Sejarah paper 1 is just the normal one but sadly I just managed to get 34/40. Tak capai target diri sendiri.
Sejarah paper 2 is like HELL. 'Ramalkan masa depan.' Then ada pulak soalan 'Apakah tujuan Ferdinand Magellan menjelajah dunia.' The thing is, who the hell is him? Rupa-rupanya bila dah bukak buku text form 4 mmg ada nama dia. Cuma tak puas hati bila nama dia mention sekali je dalam tu but KPM came out with question worth 10 marks just about him. Nak nanges rasa. Twitter time tu memang berlambak-lambaklah batch 98 tweet.
Sejarah paper 3 is another kind of hell. Eh not really. Soalan no 5 dengan 7 je. I mean, isn't it a statement?

Day 4: 5 Nov 2015

Sejarah paper cacat betul soalan hubung kait pun mcm siott je. Soalan nombor 5 tu macam bagi statement je. Tak tahu sebenarnya apa yang dia nak. Lagi satu soalan nombor 7. Haisshhhh.

Petang pulak ada paper bahasa Arab kertas satu. Quite toughlah dari yang kita orang biasa buat. Selalunya dia bagi kalimah, kita kena tulis wazan. Kali ni, dia bagi wazan, kita kena tulis kalimah. Masalahnya, bila macam tu kena faham maksud ayat dulu baru boleh decide kalimah.


Update 17 April 2019
The rest of the days tu i didn't write anything lol sebab manalah aku nak ingat lagi dah bertahun kot. Ni pun buka balik blogger sebab rasa macam nak start blogging balik. Ampunkan daku hahahaha.


Mak: Wan orang mana?
Miqaeal: Kelate!
Mak: Tokwan?

Irdina: Ntah
Mak: Ciksu?
Miqaeal and Irdina: Cinaa!!!

Me: Foine 'Just to let you know the chinese blood is in your body too, kids'

Classmates 2015


Classmates of '15. We don't really have the strong bond because of the alaf-21 arrangement (in my opinion). It separate the girls and makes us apart. I called the arrangement as 'kandang' cause the boys look like the goats and the girls are the fences. For those who can't really understand what I'm talking about, read the previous entry.

And before one week before trial we decided to change it once again (don't remember why). It is not the 21st century arrangement but who cares? Hehehe. So the final arrangement is like this:

Straight to the point, I would like to introduce all my classmates. (Does this sound like a speech?)

1. Techa - Fatin Nuraishah. The top scorer and one of the most brilliant students and sometimes quite sengal too! She is one of two who managed to score straight As in trial.
2. Anith - Anith Raidha. I'm not that close to her. Nahhh, don't know why but I can feel the distance between us is very far. But not until I frequently brought her home. It makes me know the real her. Very gila-gila one.
3. Echa - Siti Aisyah. English freak. She loves English like it's her first hubby. Hiperbola sgt! Well I'll promise to myself to learn english from her. (spm is already over, man)
4. Syafiah - Syafiah Nadhirah. Sopan-santun, lemah-lembut that's all her middle name.
5. Me!
6. Aina - Aina Nadhirah. Another outsider besides me. Being a bit notorious this year. I successfully influenced her I think. Hehehe. I'm a bad friend. Sorry, Aina. Hahaha. Okay kidding. Mana ada nakal sgt pun. sikit2 je. Last year kan!
7. Ain - Ain Roslan. The one who always ready to lend me her shoulder when I suddenly cried in the musolla thinking about the upcoming exam. You know the kind of feeling when someone is scared of something. Yes, she is the one whom I searched for when I feel that. Thanks a bunch, Ain.
8. Nurul - Nurul Aisyah. Whole time serious, sometimes funny (trying), sometimes annoying. Hehehe. Whatever you are, I still love you.
9. Aizzad - Aizzad Sham. Quiet in the class. But, hey don't judge a book by its cover. His true colour was revealed at the form 5 night when we wanted to capture pictures. He is actually talkative and a bit annoying.
10. Zakwan - Ahmad Zakwan. The only boy outsider in the class. When I was in form 1, he was my classmate. So we meet again this year, man. Uztaz Nik likes to match up him with Techa in the class though. Hehehe :D
11. Nazrin - Nazrin Omar. Sasaeng fans of EXO in the batch called him D.O. Just browse for D.O on the net and you'll find their eyes and the deepness of their philtrum are quite similar. Oh, he is also the class monitor.
12. Akhem - Akma Iman. There was something happened earlier this year where I was the witness in the class. But only the Olivers know about this incident. As the saying by Dato' Siti goes 'biarlah rahsia'. Hahahaha.
13. Azib - Azib Syahmi. Nothing much. He is ermmmmm, I don't know. Still searching for the best way to describe him. Oh yes, he was Ain scandal in SEMESRA.  Taknak ah cakap nanti ada orang marah. lol
14. Maya - Sumayyah. Love this girl much. She's not that loud in the class. But still, her presence is important.
15. Intan - Intan Maisarah. We've been classmate since form 1 till form 5. Will miss your rational and matured thinking, Intan.
16. W.S - Wan Siti Aishah. Ya Allah, her voice is soooooooooo slow. No change since last year, when teacher ask for someone who has loud voice, they (boys esp) always point at W.S deliberately. Oh, she's also another English freak beside Echa.
17. Radiah - Siti Hasnurradiah. Shy, shy, shy and shy. But this year, she becomes a bit aggressive. She tried to make jokes among the girls and so on. What an improvement, Radiah!
18. Eyka - Haziqah. Banyak mulut ni. Dia suka tanya soalan dkt uztaz nik time psi. Bila uztaz jawab dia akan cakap balik 'ye ke uztaz?'. dan uztaz nik pun geram rasa nak lesing dia. lol.
19. Rabi - Rabiatul Adawiyah. I found she was easy-to-go-with when the spm is just around the corner. Why Nadrah why? Well, the chemistry just arrived late. Still, the bond is strong between us.
20. Sajidah - Sajidah Aisyah. Almost forgot her! We are not that close not still in good condition of relationship. Sometimes quite annoying too. Okay, kidding.

             - Oliver Sameon


The Oliver. From left: me, Aina, Nurul, Ain.

Classmates 2015.
From left (girls): Syafiah, Sumayyah, me, Techa, W.S, Anith, Rabi, Eyka, Aina, Nurul.
From left (boys): Aizzad, Azib, Nazrin, Akma, Zakwan.
Not in the photo: Ain, Intan, Echa (photog), Sajidah, Radiah

Miss them to the moon and sky. 
From teacher Hazirah's camera. This one was when SMKAKL visited us. 

The boys.

The lompat-tak-jadi by Nadrah

Trying hard to look the tallest. 

The most decent one but Radiah, Sajidah, Intan were not there.


Finally, Intan (the most busiest student - in mustard bawal) was joining us. 

Not prepared yet.

The Oliver + Hanis Syu with teacher Hazirah. On my sweet 17th birthday but we had add math class.
Sobs sobs sobs. The most epic birthday.

Dahlah, bye. Type banyak-banyak ni penat pulak. Assalam. See u in the next entry.

Dec 1, 2015

Sep 27, 2015

The Boscombe Valley Mystery - Sample Answer I

Based on the novel THE BOSCOMBE VALLEY MYSTERY, write about a lesson you have learnt from the novel. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

          One moral lesson that I have learnt from the novel The Boscombe Valley Mystery by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the value of kindness. Sherlock Holmes shows kindness and compassion to all those he deals with and achieves his goal - that of finding the real killer of Charles McCarthy.

          James McCarthy does not want to tell anyone why he has quarrelled with his father, even after he is arrested for his father's murder. However, Holmes' kindness must have won his trust because he discloses the nature of his quarrel. He admits that his father has wanted him to marry Alice Turner but he refused because he is already married to a barmaid, though they are separated now. If not for Holmes' kindness and understanding, he would not have revealed this.

          Alice too is won over by the detective's kindness. She tells him that she has been the subject of the argument between James and his father. He believes that James does not want to marry her as he is too young. She also says that her father is against the marriage.

          Holmes' kindness and compassion is also clear when John Turner goes to see him. He is able to put people at ease and win their confidence and trust with his kind attitude. John Turner confesses his guilt and why he kills McCarthy to him, asking him to keep it a secret until his death as he does not want to hurt his daughter. Out of compassion, Holmes promises that he will reveal the contents of Turner's letter only if James is found guilty. When James is released after Turner's death, he keeps his word and destroy the letter.

          If not for his kind shown to all he comes across in his investigation, many secrets would not have been revealed.


Today (10/12/2015)
I'm cleaning all the draft post and noticed this sample answer. Not sure if the form 1 student still using this novel or not. But anyway, I just published it.

Sep 24, 2015

Last One


It's been a a longgggggg time since I update my blog (the last post was on May). I'm quite busy now since SPM is just around the corner. Ni pun baru habis trial. Wish can update my blog regularly though I know that I don't hv million readers :(

Well well, cut it out. Let me hv fun this on this short holiday please.

Maybe this is the last post before I face the real exam. Sob sob. But also, the other side of me is screaming yeayyyyyyyy cause after exam I can hangout, stay up late to watch movies and dramas, go around here and there and not to forget, having driving license. Oh, tak sabarnyaaaa. But for now, enough. Let me flip every pages of textbooks and exercise book first. Okaylahhh byee. Please pray for me ya. I'm striving really hard cause I'm the last hope for my parents. I anak bongsu tau! So I really want to make them proud of me.

Heyyy, don't forget to check out my new tumblr! Feel free to ask me questions, ok? Dadaaaaaa, byeeeeee :)

Bonus picture;
Me in class. Esp doing add math. 

May 22, 2015

Seniority Year

Tonight i supposed to go to Arabic class. but I overslept. Tetttt, shut up and don't judge me. Mak and ayah were going out to Senawang and they also thought that I don't hv any class tonight. Dah lah enough on this thingy.

Susunan baru. Pembelajaran alaf-21. More to develop communication skills and group discussion among students. I am grouped with Ain, Nurul and Aina. and we named ourselves as Oliver Sameon by upgrading the name of Zaiton Sameon and make it more english. Hahaha. For not too long, this arrangement has to be changed into something new because the 8 of us (the ones yg duduk near the boys) cannot face the whiteboard properly. Semua jadi teleng nak pandang board. So, after blood fight and everything, we decided to make it like this;

More or less, it makes me reminiscing my kindergarten days. because of the arrangement. Ah, whatever. One more thing is, Fara and Syakir moved out for their own good to another school. 5 Sina left with just 20 students now.

Aina and I are the only non-resident in the class. oh forget to include Zakwan too. We (Aina and I) really enjoy this last year of secondary school. Aina used to say this when we were doing something bad (but not really bad); "Takpe, ni kan tahun last sekolah. Bila lagi nak jadi nakal." And I will nod agreeing on that. Hahaha. Quite naughty! Well, this should me a memory of me in my school. At least I have something to tell my children soon.

The next entry would be Classmates 2015. Love to the bits, bye!

May 16, 2015

The Man with Four Wives

From Neelofa's ig:

There was a man with four wives. He loved his fourth wife the most and took a great care of her and gave her the best. He also loved his third wife and always wanted to show her off to his friends. However, he was always had a fear that she might runaway with some other man. He loved his second wife too. Whenever he faced some problems, he always turned to his second wife and she would always help him out. He did not love his first wife though she loved him deeply, was very loyal to him and took great care of him. 

One day the man fell very ill and knew that he is going to die soon. He told himself, "I have four wives with me. I will take one of them along with me when I die to keep company in my death."
Thus, he asked the fourth wife to die along with him and keep company. "No way!" she replied and walked away without another word. He asked his third wife. She said "Life is so good over here. I'm going to remarry when you die". He then asked his second wife. She said "I'm sorry. I can't help you this time around. At the most I can only accompany you till your grave." By now his heart sank and turned cold.
Then a voice called out, "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go." the man looked up and there was his first wife. She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the man said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could have!

Actually, we all have four wives in our lives.
  1. The fourth wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die. 
  2. The third wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they go to others. 
  3. The second wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave. 
  4. The first wife is our GOOD DEEDS, neglected in our pursuit of material wealth and pleasure. It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go.

Jan 10, 2015

Holiday is Over

My face lately thinking about school
Today is the second last day of holiday and the worst thing is LUSA DAH NAK SEKOLAH. Homaigadddddddd. Time flies as if they are riding the turbo rocket. /is it even exist? idk since i hate everything that hv connection with physics/ btw, soalan rocket pernah keluar time exam physics  and i was like WHAT SHOULD I ANSWER WHEN I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEM??!! /CRIES/

Whatever. I just need someone to turn back the time to the first day of holiday... and do exactly the same thing when the hols is about to over. Melampau kau, Nadrah. Cuti dahlah dah extra 3 minggu. 2 minggu sebab dpt mc sakit mata. Not the ordinary one sbb ada luka sekali dlm dkt mata. Which i hv appointment every 2 days. That was hell hurt. Dia kena cuci sbb lendir-lendir tu dah jadi mcm satu selaput dkt mata. Ada darah lagi. Time tu baru aku rasa air mata darah yg sebenar.  Kahkahkah. Satu minggu lagi cuti sbb banjir dkt pantai timur. Pls play for them. I also hv family there which is my maklong. Rumah dia naik air for the first time in 24 years. Can u imagine that?

Back to the topic. To tell the truth, aku malas nak sekolah sebab tiap-tiap hari ada homework. Kalau senang takpe, ni susah mcm asdfghjkl. Plus, kena gosok baju, kena bgn awal, kena ulang-alik pergi lab, kena balik lambat sebab ada kelas tambahan this year for sure sbb nak SPM and so on. I need 3 reams of A4 paper to list down all. Takpe, Nadrah. This year gonna be the last year in school. Yeayyy, im the super senior. kihkihkih.

Dahlah, bye. im going to play Suburbia which i found it addictive. Bye, assalamualaikum and