May 22, 2015

Seniority Year

Tonight i supposed to go to Arabic class. but I overslept. Tetttt, shut up and don't judge me. Mak and ayah were going out to Senawang and they also thought that I don't hv any class tonight. Dah lah enough on this thingy.

Susunan baru. Pembelajaran alaf-21. More to develop communication skills and group discussion among students. I am grouped with Ain, Nurul and Aina. and we named ourselves as Oliver Sameon by upgrading the name of Zaiton Sameon and make it more english. Hahaha. For not too long, this arrangement has to be changed into something new because the 8 of us (the ones yg duduk near the boys) cannot face the whiteboard properly. Semua jadi teleng nak pandang board. So, after blood fight and everything, we decided to make it like this;

More or less, it makes me reminiscing my kindergarten days. because of the arrangement. Ah, whatever. One more thing is, Fara and Syakir moved out for their own good to another school. 5 Sina left with just 20 students now.

Aina and I are the only non-resident in the class. oh forget to include Zakwan too. We (Aina and I) really enjoy this last year of secondary school. Aina used to say this when we were doing something bad (but not really bad); "Takpe, ni kan tahun last sekolah. Bila lagi nak jadi nakal." And I will nod agreeing on that. Hahaha. Quite naughty! Well, this should me a memory of me in my school. At least I have something to tell my children soon.

The next entry would be Classmates 2015. Love to the bits, bye!

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