Jan 10, 2015

Holiday is Over

My face lately thinking about school
Today is the second last day of holiday and the worst thing is LUSA DAH NAK SEKOLAH. Homaigadddddddd. Time flies as if they are riding the turbo rocket. /is it even exist? idk since i hate everything that hv connection with physics/ btw, soalan rocket pernah keluar time exam physics  and i was like WHAT SHOULD I ANSWER WHEN I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEM??!! /CRIES/

Whatever. I just need someone to turn back the time to the first day of holiday... and do exactly the same thing when the hols is about to over. Melampau kau, Nadrah. Cuti dahlah dah extra 3 minggu. 2 minggu sebab dpt mc sakit mata. Not the ordinary one sbb ada luka sekali dlm dkt mata. Which i hv appointment every 2 days. That was hell hurt. Dia kena cuci sbb lendir-lendir tu dah jadi mcm satu selaput dkt mata. Ada darah lagi. Time tu baru aku rasa air mata darah yg sebenar.  Kahkahkah. Satu minggu lagi cuti sbb banjir dkt pantai timur. Pls play for them. I also hv family there which is my maklong. Rumah dia naik air for the first time in 24 years. Can u imagine that?

Back to the topic. To tell the truth, aku malas nak sekolah sebab tiap-tiap hari ada homework. Kalau senang takpe, ni susah mcm asdfghjkl. Plus, kena gosok baju, kena bgn awal, kena ulang-alik pergi lab, kena balik lambat sebab ada kelas tambahan this year for sure sbb nak SPM and so on. I need 3 reams of A4 paper to list down all. Takpe, Nadrah. This year gonna be the last year in school. Yeayyy, im the super senior. kihkihkih.

Dahlah, bye. im going to play Suburbia which i found it addictive. Bye, assalamualaikum and

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