Oct 1, 2016

New Phase

Assalamualaikum guys, it's been sooooooo long since my last entry which was in early this year.
Alhamdulillah I managed to go through the university life (read; hostel life) and suit myself with the new environment.  Omaigadddddd,  gotta tell u it's totally different! Don't expect it's going to be smooth and happen in the way u imagine when you were in high school (just like what I did). No more spoon-feeding guys! You have to work on your own and study really hard esp those who are doing or going to do foundation. I was like heyyy,  I still didn't understand this topic but the syllabus still has to go on so I got no option but to understand it by myself.  But don't worry, the lecturers are all super friendly and kind.  You just have to ask them and they are always willing to help you.
Oh yaaa,  for those who is wondering what I am doing currently: I am now doing my foundation in life science in UM aka PASUM.
Okaylaaaa,  till then.  Gotta go first.

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