Apr 17, 2019

Al-Fatihah for Makwan


Today marks one week Makwan (my grandma of mum's side) passed away. To be honest, I'm not that close to her compared to my other cousins because most of them were taken care by late Makwan since they were small. Well, but still I felt her absence, the loneliness the when she left us.

The last time I saw her was when we did a kenduri naik rumah. What I aggrieved the most was, I never had a picture with her. And second thing was, she passed away on Mak's birthday.

On that day morning, I called Mak and wished happy birthday with rush because I was in the bus heading to TITAS class and building maintenance which both had presentations. So, I was planning to call mak again on the night for a longer birthday wish and chats.

Little did I know that day was going to be a sad day for her. Around maghrib, I received a message sent by Kak Farah (my eldest cousin) saying:

"Assalamualaikum all. Mak wan has passed away. Kita still boleh bagi penghormatan pada mak wan.
1. Esok siapa boleh solat, solat jenazah.
2. Kita doa supaya dosa mak wan diampunkan.
3. Doa anak yang soleh masih diterima."

When I got the news, I was in the dormitory with Sarah. My tears dam burst and I immediately think of how's Mak feeling. Everyone was forgetting about me and only Kak Ina remembered to pick me up and bring me to Makwan's house in Gombak hahahahaha. I went for a quick shower first while waiting for Kak Ina to arrive at KK10. Then I received a call from Mak. She sounded normal to me like no tears at all. I told Kak Ina about this and she said Mak had enough tears this evening and after maghrib till she had no tears now.

Arrived at Makwan's around 11 something, her corpse arrived before us. Mandi jenazah and her burial will be done on the next day. The rest... let it be a history. I cannot afford to tell you guys whats the rest because as of now (while writing this entry), I'm crying again remembering all these.

Rest well Makwan, you had enough fighting kidney failure, dialysis and those painful procedures almost everyday during your last 3 weeks living. Ya Allah, please grant her the highest rank of Jannah. Maybe I never say this to her but now I'm going to say this... adik sayang sangat makwan walaupun kadang-kadang makwan garang and tegur adik macam-macam but i know that is all for my best. Al-Fatihah...

That was makwan and atok during kakak's (my cousin) wedding in Ipoh. 

Atok on at makwan's burial day

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