Apr 20, 2014

PBAKL '14 is Coming

Short entry. I just want to share jadual bertemu penulis cause I'm excited. Yes, very very very excited. Even when I'm talking about it!

Jadual penulis Blink Book.

Jadual penulis Karyaseni dan Penulisan2u

Jadual penulis Jemari Seni
Jadual penulis Alaf21
Jadual penulis Fajar Pakeer

Jadual penulis Idea Kreatif

Jadual penulis Kaki Novel

Jadual penulis Love Novel

Oh, ya! Lupa nak cakap. Aku pergi 26hb April. Kot-kot ada yang nak jumpakan? *muntah* Erm, sebenarnya nak pergi 3 Mei. Tapi spoil, aku ada exam 2 May sampai minggu dpnnya. Kirim salam jelah kalau gitu. Terpaksa pergi awal.

Okay, byeeee and assalamualaikum!

Apr 19, 2014

DIY: Bulletin Board

Okay, entry kali ni pasal bulletin board. *ayat skema

Bulletin board mesti buat ikut cita rasa kita sendiri. Karang, kalau tak berkenan di hati, mahunya bulletin board sepi tanpa notes sbb malas tulis. Mine was very simple. Baru buat so notes tak penuh lagi. I love to see board full of notes sbb nampak macam kita ni orang yang systematic and have vision dalam buat kerja. Kepala pun tak serabut sebab kita nampak apa yang kena buat, dateline of assignment, and etc *end of thinking capacity*

They usually use soft board to make a bulletin board. Tapi disebabkan aku tak jumpa soft board dekat Rembau ni, terpaksa cari alternatif lain. And I decided to use polystyrene sheet.

Let's proceed to the major item.
  • Rainbow pine wood stick - RM 5.90
    Ni lah dia pine wood stick tu. Bentuk dia mcm batang ice cream.
  • Polystyrene sheet - RM 3.60
  • Polka dot sponge board- RM9.90
Benda lain nak guna nanti gam UHU, double sided tape. Total: RM 19.40 tak termasuk misc.

  1. Potong polystyrene sheet ikut bentuk yang korang nak. Aku punya 4 segi je.
  2. Lekatkan polystyrene sheet dengan sponge board menggunakan double sided tape. Nak lagi kukuh, boleh pakai hot glue gun atau apa-apa saja. Janji lekat.
  3. Ambil pine wood stick dan lekatkan dekat atas sponge board ikut kreativiti. Siap!
Senang kan? Trylah buat. Result:

Have fun DIY-ing and happy weekend! Bye and assalamualaikum.

Apr 18, 2014

Ideal Type

Teacher Husna (she is replacing teacher Afiza) teaches me English. On last Wednesday, *if I'm not mistaken* we learned about poem 'He Had Such Quiet Eyes'. It is about a girl who was deceived by a pleasure-seeking-guy. She did not listen to her mother's advice. And lastly, her heart was broken when the guy left her. The poet told us to ensure that nice really means nice and not to compromised with a pleasure-seeking-guy.

The activity for that poem was to list down your ideal type. Hiks. I love the topic, sincerely! Though I have to hide that happiness while doing the activity =..='

And jeng jeng jeng. This is mine:

  • Taller than me. It's a MUST.
  • Same or older age but not older than my abang. Abang was born in 1991.
  • Humorous. So that he can cheer me up when I'm sad and light up my days.
  • Good-looking. I'm not asking for too much handsome man. It's enough that he looks good in my eyes.
  • Darker skin than me but no too dark. I want the fair skin daughters and sons.
  • Good in studying. I always dream of having bright, smart and brilliant children. So my future child need the smart genetic from their father.
  • Rolled-up sleeves guy. Cause they look hardworking and smart. Awwww! They even looks more handsome when they're sweating.
  • Caring. Someone that can hug me when I cry, when I scared of thunder and lightning and can understand when I'm having problems.
  • Not a doctor, please. They have no life. I mean, most of their time are used to treat patients and works.
  • His wages must be higher than me. Of course!
  • Love kids and have fatherly side.
  • And the most important one is SOMEONE WHO CAN GUIDE ME TOWARDS JANNAH TOGETHER. I have to say that I'm not a good muslimah and I need someone to lead me.
After all of us listing down, teacher choose us randomly to present our own ideal type. And I just hope teacher were not choosing me. Alhamdulillah, she is not. Thats all.

Thanks for spending your time reading this full-of-hope-entry. Bye and assalamualaikum!

Passport Making II

Sambungan this entry:  Passport making part I

Passport dah siap. Yeahhhhhhh! Malangnya, gambar I buruk sikit okay?! Never mind. Who cares gambar aku buruk ke lawa? Yang penting dah prepare awal-awal before May. Fuh fuh, lega. Sebab May ni dah mid-year exam. So, baik buat awal-awal kan?

Ceritanya, aku sebelum sampai imigresen lagi memang dah maintainkan tudung. Bila nak ambil gambar, org tu kata, "Dik, belakangkan sikit tudung. Kening tak nampak penuh." Aku dengan confidentnya tarik tudung ke belakang sampai nampak scarf. Natijahnya, hambiklah kau! Gambar budak-mata-sepet-tudung-nampak-scarf. 

Tips sebelum ambil gambar passport:

  •  Pakai baju + tudung color gelap. Sebab background tempat tangkap gambar tu color putih. Takut nanti tak dapat beza mana korang mana dinding. Kahkahkah :D
  • Untuk yang freehair dan lelaki, telinga kena kasi nampak time ambil gambar.
  • Tak boleh pakai cermin mata and contact lens.
  • Pastikan apa-apa fashion rambut dan tudung korang tak tutup kening. Penting tau!

Ready to fly! Bye and assalamualaikum.

Apr 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Mama and Sehun ❤️

Happy birthday my beautiful Mamamama!

 Mama was born on 10 April 1957.
Pretty momma. I LOVE YOU TILL DEATH.


And here goes my buah-hati-pengarang-jantung Encik Alias and Puan Rahimah.

Happy Birthday to Oh Sehun 

The next 37 years and two days, Sehun was born. Yehet!


Happy birthday, Oh Yehet!

Sehun teaser for Overdose Album (Will be release on 15 April)

I love this picture so so so so so muchhhhhhhh!

Love XOXO,
 - a proud daughter and a fangirl -

Vocabulary: 12 April

    1.Grimaces (v.) - to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.
She grimaced as the needle went in.

    2. Lenient (adj.) - not as strict as expected when punishing somebody.
The judge was far too lenient with him.
    3. Foresee (v.) - to think something is going to happen in the future.
It is impossible to foresee how life will work out

    4. Rejuvenate (v.) - to make somebody / something look or feel younger or more lively.
 Sleep provides an opportunity for the body to repair and rejuvenate itself.

    5. Verdict (n.) - a decision that is made by a jury in court.  
 Well, what’s your verdict?

Apr 7, 2014

Vocabulary: 7 April

  • bias (n.) - an interest in one thing more than others
Example: Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.
  • brackish (adj.) - (of water) slightly salty
Example: Andrew found the river water are more brackish as they go nearer to the sea.
  • diminutive (adj.) - very small
Example: She was a diminutive figure beside her husband.
  • chasten (v.) - to make somebody feel sorry for something they have done
Example:  She gave them a chastening lecture.
  •  immaculate (adj.) - extremely clean and tidy
Example: Though she is poor, she always looks immaculate.

Apr 4, 2014

Vocabulary: 4 April

  • Hyperventilate - breathe abnormally with rapid rate

  •  Ablution (n.) - the act of washing yourself. It also can be considered as wudhu in Islam  term. (morning ~. Example: brush teeth, wash face and etc)

  •  Byzantine (adj.) - complicated
  •  Queasy (adj.) - feeling of sick, slightly nauseous (mual) or want to vomit
  •  Provenance (n.)- the place that something originally came from, origin.

Try to use these words in your daily life and essay too! Surprise your teacher with these bombastic words.

Passport Making I

All the 9A students will be bring to Bukittinggi, Indonesia. And we were told to make our passport on our own. How troublesome! Tapi nak tak nak kena pergi buat jugak. Pfft!

What to bring:
  • Original I/C and 1 photocopy of yours
  • Original I/C and a photocopy of your mum or dad (for underage like me). Kekekeke.
  • Original birth certificate and a photocopy (underage) 
  • RM100 for 2 years
  • RM300 for 5 years

Okay, that's all. Tak sabau wei nak terbang. Nanti dapat jumpa balik Farah. Though she move out to another school, she still join us. Tapi, Afina tak ikut. Hmmmmm. And Sabrina is not joining too. She's going on a trip to Australia under her mom's school. How lucky she is! Kena kirim bawak balik kangaroo dengan koala sekor nih. Oh ya, lupa nak cakap. Nak ambil gambar buat passport tu, sila pakai baju and tudung warna yang gelap ye. Or else korang kena pakai blazer and tudung dekat imigresen tu.

BTW, I'm searching for cutie-pew-die-pie passport cover. Hiks. Just left the link below. Byeeeeee.

Thanks for reading and assalamualaikum!

Proceeded by: Passport Making II