May 23, 2014

Fangirls Heart

This is really a great tip on how to tackle a fangirls heart.

Forgot to mention. This is specifically for a EXOtic. Hahahahaha.
I think the girl above maybe said one of these to her boy. 
  • Eureureong eureureong eureureong YES!
  • Yehet! Ohorat!
 Last words from me; thumbs up to the guy for understanding a fangirl's heart!

May 21, 2014

Exam is Over

Lets chill baby. Kekekekeke. Mentang-mentang exam dah lepas. I feel like yeahhh

Tak sedar pun minggu depan rupanye kita org pergi Bukittinggi, Indonesia.
Benda paling malas haruslah packing. Wakaka. Walaupun tiga hari je terasa bagai seminggu uolls.

Eh, jap apa aku melalut ni? Padahal nak cakap exam dah habis je haha.

Bye and assalamualaikum :)

May 16, 2014

Teacher's Day!


Tadika Perpaduan Hutan Melintang,
Tadika Kemas Parit,
SK Iskandar Shah,
SK Chembong,
SMK Dato' Sedia Raja
SMKA Dato' Haji Abu Hassan Haji Sail.

Tadika Perpaduan Hutan Melintang, Perak:

(2002) First formal learning at 4 years old made me cry. But there's teacher who calmed me. I just remember the moment when we play plasticine and the slide. Sorry cause I don't remember others. Kahkahkah. What a short-term-mind I have! Mini convocation picture:

Tadika Kemas Parit, Perak:

(2003 - 2004) I moved to the other city in Perak on 2003. So I hv to move to other kindergarten too. The class start from 8 am until *idontremember*.  I learned abc and 123 here. I play joyfully with my friends *Fatin and Mimi the most*. Teman sehati sejiwa I should say! Can you just imagine if they haven't taught me those 3M [membaca (reading), mengira (calculating), menulis (writing)]? Can I write this post? Understanding what other people are saying? Reading my favourite novels? Doing even simple mathematics problem like 1+1=2?

 SK Iskandar Shah, Perak:

(2005 - 2007) Hoho. Aku paling ingat teacher Nurul and teacher Ratnasuri. Yang lain, teacher Asiah, cikgu Jamilah (mak Syahirah), uztazah Sakinah (mak Durra), cikgu Wardah (mak Aliyah) and sir Wooi. Gila tak ingat! Sir punya band pancaragam sangat awesome. Oh ya, aku rapat dengan Syahirah, Aliyah dengan Durra. Tu sebab ingat lagi nama mak dia orang. Walaupun ada yang tak ajar.

SK Chembong, Negeri Sembilan

(2007 - 2010) Guru kelas dari darjah 3 sampai darjah 6 - cikgu Walial'ashikin. Lelaki tau! Bukan perempuan. First time masuk sekolah, before jumpa dia, aku ingatkan perempuan. Kihkihkih. Ampun maaf cikgu Wali :D Next, cikgu mathematics yang akan aku ingat sampai mati, cikgu Nizuanuddin. Dia punya math sangat best weyyy. 

6 Arif with Cikgu Wali.
Jangan cari aku dalam gambar tu sebab aku tersorok. Hahaha. Time tu pendek lagi. Nampak pipi je. lol. Tak lupa jugak Teacher Sharliah and teacher Siti Normah yang sangat garang tapi baik. Mula-mula belajar aku pun cakap dia orang garang. Tapi bila puan Siti Normah pindah, akulah yang paling banyak menangis. Teacher Sharliah (teacher English) pun sama, time darjah 4 aku dapat BM kertas II (penulisan) gred D. Aku dpat 4A1B time tengah tahun *kalautaksilap. Tu pasal dia tanya. Dia nasihat aku semua benda siap gosok-gosok belakang aku nak tenangkan. I'm touched and nangis lagi. Penangis tegar katakan. Hahahaha.

SMK Dato' Sedia Raja, Negeri Sembilan:

(2011) Ermmm, dekat sini kejap je tak sampai sebulan. Tunggu tawaranlah katakan. 26 January tu aku pindah. Dekat sini,  paling aku ingat Teacher Robita sebab dia selalu sebut nama aku NURUL NADARAH RAIHAN BT ALIAS. Sabau jelah. Walhal, nama aku NURUL NADRAH RAIHAH BT ALIAS. Tapi apa yang dia ajar aku ingat lagi. First class English belajar pasal nuclear family and extended family. Poyo tak? lol.

SMKA Dato' Haji Abu Hassan Haji Sail (formerly known as SMKA Pedas):

(2011 - 2015) insya-Allah. I am not moving out to the other school. All the teachers are seriously awesome. Thank you for those teacher who teach me. I can get straight A in PMR with the help of all of you and Allah's will. Fighting for SPM 2015 pulak next year.

Classmate 4 Ibnu Sina. Ni gambar before ada yang pindah.

Classmates 2 Ibnu Sina

Jasa cikgu kitaorg dpat masuk surat khabar. Wakakaka.

Gambar penuh. Chetttt. Dalam paper Sinar dia crop gambar aku.
 Selamat Hari Guru. Happy Teacher's Day. 
 یوم المعلم مبروک, 스승의 날 축하해요!

Byeeee and assalamualaikum!


Me: Mama mama mama mama, kita amik Frozen dekat Astro Best jom? Adik nak tengok.
Plissss ma. *mukacomelmintakpenyepak*

Mak: HAH?! Beli peti ais? (she heard it as 'freezer not 'frozen')


Damia and Haziq: *woke up and cry cause we laughed too hard*

May 4, 2014

Mid Year Exam

Currently busy with exam. 3 weeks of exam are sucks! I should say this. Kekekekekeke. Dahlah satu subject berpaper-paper. Nvr mind. Cut it off. Kali ni nak result cantik. Nak kalahkan student 4F. Go go, Nadrah.

  • No C grade and below.
  • Top 10 in batch
  • Top 3 in class
  • At least 7 A's